Monday, January 13, 2020

Thoughts on Technology Tools

I did not know that it was possible to create folders for bookmarks! I immediately organized all of the bookmarks I have saved, for personal use and this class. On the other hand, I already had my browser spellcheck active because of classes I took in high school. I don't personally know of any other useful extensions like those, but I would like to. In this same realm, I want to learn a few more keyboard commands like "Ctrl X" and "Ctrl C."

I think the "Dungeons and Decisions" site created with Twine is amazing. Modeling the site after dungeons and dragons appeals to my inner nerd, despite the fact that I've never played the game. The story created with Twine is so cool that I actually went back through three times to see where some of the different choices would lead me. I'm excited to see if I can learn how to use this technology.

I've used Chrome since my younger brother mocked me for using Internet Explorer!

Additionally, I appreciate that class materials are not all being put into Canvas. It is pretty silly that as a college student I am supposedly being taught to use use modern technology while I am actually using a website that I expect I will never use again in my life. The internet is an enormous place, and plenty of resources exist in within it that we as students need to learn to use.

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