Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week 6 Story: Microfiction

Dribble (50 words):

The scent of coffee and bacon woke me. Sun shone through the blinds onto my face. I stretched before going to the bathroom. The cry of the baby shattered the peace of the morning. That's when I remembered. I live alone. Whose baby was crying and who was cooking breakfast!?

Six Word Story (6 Words):

My rejection letter shattered my world.

Twitterature (140 characters):

I didn’t know how to study. Lectures didn’t help. I stopped attending class, read the textbook, taught myself, and everything became clear.

Author's Note:
I wrote three stories because I felt that the second and third required so little time to write that I could put forth additional effort. Yet, I needed to do a shorter assignment this week because I have a BIG test to study for.
My idea behind the first story was somewhat silly. I had a conversation about the movie "The Hangover" with a friend of mine this morning. The conversation was still on my mind, so that was my inspiration. Obviously, my story doesn't have all the same craziness.
My second story I wrote because the same friend showed me a tik-tok (ugh) of a girl who was recording while she got the email about her rejection from dental school, and you could see her face absolutely fall apart. She didn't say anything, but you could tell exactly how she felt by her expression. Given that she could convey that emotion without words, I thought I'd use as few words as possible to do the same thing.
The third story actually comes from my roommate. He actually gave a speech in one class about how he had stopped going to the lectures for another class because the professor was not good at lecturing. He learned everything he needed by simply reading the textbook. It worked. This was on my mind because I'm really considering doing the same for one of my classes this semester...
The exercise of conveying information in so few words was not easy. Each of the stories has the maximum number of words/characters it can have, and I still want to say more.

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