Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Week 8 Reading and Writing

My current thoughts on my position in the class-
  • I enjoy the reading and writing assignments. I started off the semester almost two weeks ahead of schedule in this class. Shortly after classes started, I was only one week ahead. Now I'm doing things the day they're due. That's not to say that I'm irresponsible or struggling. I'm simply having to put more effort into my ChE classes than I originally thought I needed to- I am SO glad I had given myself that buffer of almost two full weeks of work.
  • I plan to get a bunch of work done for this class over spring break. With five weeks of this class (according to the class calendar) after spring break, I think I can work very hard during that time to make the rest of the school year much easier on myself.
  • I'm happy with my blog. I've enjoyed blogging more than I thought I would. I actually improved the layout of my blog specifically for this assignment! I changed the color scheme and picked a better background. 

I had not reviewed the design/layout of my blog since I created it almost two months ago. This image pertains to Magic, a hobby I enjoy. I wanted to make it my blog's background image, but I really disliked the appearance of the tiled background, so I chose to not use it.
  • I have found that my reading notes are somewhat useful when writing my stories. They provide a starting point and little else. I certainly go back through and look at them for inspiration, but once an idea comes to me, I just write about that idea without any further inspiration.
  • I enjoyed the Ramayana more than the Mahabharata. I believe this is because there was one main character in the Ramayana whereas two families and all of their children were the main characters in the Mahabharata. There were so many characters to try to keep straight!
  • I've found that I like to read multiple sections of the reading at once and then decide what the vital details/events are that I want to write about. I think this process has worked well so far.

  • Moving forward, I want to give myself more time to complete the readings. I can do this by completing them early! Spring break should give me that chance to get ahead. When I read the readings the day they're due, I find myself missing important details or not fully understanding what occurred during the reading.
  • I have tailored my reading notes to focus on my project, seemingly forgetting that they can also be used to write the weekly stories. I want to broaden my view and include interesting things in my reading notes, even if they don't directly apply to my project.

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